

Caleb | 14 ans

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LAN Player LAN Player


Hoping to join a team that accepts my enthusiasm and determination towards gaming.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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I am a enthusiastic and funny gamer looking to join a Valorant team. Eager to contribute my gaming skills, teamwork, and jokes to elevate the team's performance.

I have over 200 hours in Valorant.
I am quite good with some Sentinals, Dualist, Initiators.

I have played Valorant enough to know where every trick or "rat" places in Valorant's maps, even Sunset.
Using the power of discord I have mastered communication, through telling minute details to even possible flanks or rotations.

I have learned to work in unison with my team mates.
When it comes to stratagy I have lots of experience with certain situations and tricks that the opponents are doing in critical moments.

I'v played many esports matches and tournaments outside of Valorant.
Lan events are very familiar to me as I've been to 2 this year, and in OW2, me and a few other individuals managed to get to the ACGL finals in that tournament, we came 2nd which is fascinating considering many other teams were way different in age.
Due to being in the semi-finals & finals on stage, I have lots of experience in high pressure situations.

If you think living in SA and gaming is bad, no, not anymore. Due to Valorant adding servers in Cape Town (in SA, I can enjoy sweet 10 ping aswell as a very grateful inverter.


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