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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
Leader Leader



Experiences online

  • Played for a few teams, a Semi-Pro Youth team of LEMs in CSGO in 2016, played for a few CSGO teams, always been an IGL.

Experiences offline

  • Great at leading.


My name is m1ndfu1,

I am 16 years old and am looking for a Valorant team to play in.
I was Legendary Eagle Master on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, so I think that qualifies me as being middle+ on Valorant.
I am from the UK and therefore speak fluent English.
I am pretty good at Valorant usually getting 20-25 kills in an unranked game, still have a lot to come when I master my preferred character which is Brimstone.
I am extremely calm in eSports and keep the attitude of my team up no matter the situation, I am applying to all teams with my friend ATK or Asidikapulo, Together we have mastered the eSports attitude keeping calm in tough situations and never being afraid to win or lose.
I will only get better, I am just looking for a team to help me achieve that goal, I am also interested in earning some prize money but the main goal is just to have fun while being competitive as well.
Thanks for reading!


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