

Eric Carrizosa | 19 ans

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I am looking to get into the pro scene and to see how it looks, I want to be able to get better and to be a good teammate. And I want to get more notoriety. And I want to win.

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I'm an extremely passionate and competitive 17-year-old Immortal player that wants to get into the pro scene, I am a flexible player, I can entry, play support and duelist if needed. My main is Astra but I also play a lot of Killjoy, Cypher, Viper, Skye, and Reyna. I can also flex other agents too. If you give me an agent to learn I will put all the time I have to learn it to the best of my abilities. I try to play as many ranked and competitive games as I can and I play fairly consistent. I spend a lot of time practising my aim and mechanics in Valorant every day. I have a positive attitude and am always looking to improve. I have decent flexibility for a schedule on school days but I have the weekends pretty much open to any time. I have had a past experience with a small csgo team.


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