
Clemencia sake2

Yanislav Borisov | 23 ans

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Join a team of like-minded and hardworking people like me and beat Fnatic, because we all saw what happened to Disguised. Star players are not everything, but team work is!

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  • SoloQ

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Hi, I am Yanislav (Clemencia sake2): A Diamond 3 peak Omen Main Seeking a Competitive Team in Valorant.

My strategic mindset and quick decision-making abilities make me a formidable asset to any team. I excel at creating openings for my teammates, orchestrating devastating plays, and turning the tide of battles with my cunning and versatility. Whether it's disorienting foes with Paranoia, obscuring vision with Dark Cover, or infiltrating enemy lines with From the Shadows, I ensure that my team maintains the upper hand.

Communication is vital to my playstyle. I firmly believe in effective coordination, providing precise callouts, and working closely with my teammates to achieve victory. Adapting to different strategies and adjusting my playstyle accordingly allows me to foster a dynamic and cohesive team environment.

As an individual, I bring a positive and driven attitude to every match. I am constantly seeking self-improvement, analyzing my gameplay to identify areas for growth. My dedication to mastering Omen's kit, map awareness, and strategic positioning is evident in my consistent performance and ability to clutch in high-pressure situations.

Now, I am eager to embark on a new chapter in my Valorant journey by joining a competitive team. I am in search of like-minded individuals who share the same hunger for success, synergy, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. With my skills, game knowledge, and unwavering commitment, our team is destined to rise through the ranks and leave an indelible mark on the Valorant scene.

If you are seeking a Diamond division Omen main who can truly make a difference, look no further. Contact me today, and together, we shall harness the power of shadows to conquer all adversaries. (Sorry for the cringe, but it was too good not to)

I also want to mention that in soloQ I like to fill


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