

Xavier | 23 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller


Compete in Tournaments/LANS/Online Qualifiers
Be part or become a huge Organization
Become an insane Valorant team

Experiences online

  • CSGO ESEA Opens
  • Highschool Esports CSGO League

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey my name is AuXy, I come from a lot of FPS games like CSGO, COD, and more. I have great game sense, aim, and can rely on me to clutch rounds. I am usually an entry fragger that always gets a pick before dying or two, my job is to be the first one out there shooting/spraying to get the objective/site clear. I have just about 3K hours on CS, if it matters to anybody this is my Highest rank was A- on ESEA, but I stopped playing because I feel like I can go Pro in Valorant. My goal is eventually go to LANS, tournaments, make it on the big stage. If you're looking for a committed player who doesn't get tilted or disrespects teammates then I think I am the person you're looking for. I am 19 Years of age and I know I'm not hitting the ceiling anytime soon, I still have so much more to accomplish and learn. I can also take criticism good or bad.
East Coast


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