
Achilles #666

Achilles | 26 ans

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My goal with a team (currently, not long term) would be to gather experiences in scrims and tournaments and just improve, since I think, that scrims and tournaments would be a better use of my time than ranked (due to communication, decent tactics etc.). Obviously winning stuff would be amazing. I also have really high long term ambitions (going pro, copying Astralis 2018-19 but over like 5 years etc.), however unless you´re trying to assemble a group to stick together for half a decade, those shouldn´t be too relevant.

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Hey, my name is Jan (irl) and I´m looking for a Valorant team.
I come from Germany, I´m usually calm and can also be really hyped. I rarely tilt and if I do, I don´t flame anyone or yell. I´m always looking into, what I could do to improve and am not just okay, but happy about (mostly constructive) criticism.
I generally spend around 7-11 hours a day for Valorant, however a lot of that time is spend Vod reviewing, practicing mechanics, so I´m not available for 7-11 hours of scrims a day. My favorite amount of scrim time would be something around 20 hours a week with breaks for resetting the mind and some DM/aim training in between (there´s studies, that show, that practicing mechanics inbetween matches works better, than any alternative). I´m flexible in that regard, though. As long as it´s somwhere between 14 and 35 hours, it should be fine. Just message me and we can talk about it.
I don´t care about my rank or wins and just want to improve as a player to get as good as possible (which still effective means, I´m gonna not play for frags or something but for the win). Rolewise I´m mainly a sniper. I can entry, lurk and make plays. I´d prefer to switch those things up a little to stay less predictable. I can OCCASIONALLY flex to other characters. Also, I´m a little inconsistent right now, however I was at this point in another game like 2 years ago and I promise, it may take time, but I WILL manage to fix this. Not just based on my feelings, this has literally what happened before, except I know have more experience. Also, I´m mostly trying to just learn as much as possible about the game.

So to summarize, I play the AWP (mostly Jett), I´m mostly calm, take (and appreciate) criticism, practice a lot, am down for up to around 35 hours of scrim time a week and have temporary inconsistency issues and am looking to improve a lot.


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