

Aliyana | 23 ans

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I would like to become a Pro League Gamer on the SCL. I believe I have the potential to make it to the championships and do what i can to battle against other teams.
I want to make a name for myself so people know who I am.
I want to prove to people that I am worth something

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Hi! My name is Ali, but my gamertag is charoletemz. I am planning on going by TEMZ whenever I make it big. I am a support/guardian main on smite. You can find me playing (recently) a lot of Artio, Terra, Kumba and Geb. Even though I can play all of the guardians and some warriors in the support role (Guan Yu, Nike) I am not the best, but I always try my best! I get very nervous and shy around new people but once I get to know you I have a lot of fun. I am very good with the VGS system and can make callouts very well. I work well with others, and I am not toxic, I dive in to save my team a lot, I make sure to save them even if it costs my own life, however I’ll ask if it is worth the save or not. I am big on communication, you will find the map lit up by wards throughout the game. I make sure to start off with at least one or two wards upon spawn in for early gameplay. After that I pick them up as the game goes along. I understand that smite is constantly changing and I am willing to adjust to that change. I would just like to get my name out there and one day become a big gamer.


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