Rocket League


Micah Shively | 25 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader
LAN Player LAN Player


I’d like to have a professional team and take my gameplay to the next level

Experiences online

  • Playing Pros every day

Experiences offline

  • Going fishing in Canada every year for years!
  • Disney World!
  • College at Slippery Rock


I’ve played rocket league since the free release in the summer of 2015, and since then, I’ve had a love for the game. Moving up in ranks consistently as time has gone on, during season 5 I skyrocketed to the top tier, and I play every day against professional players including the likes of Jacob, the duo Rizzo and Sizz (who I beat in solo q), Squishy and Leth who were partied, corruptedG, GarretG, Sea-Bass, Firstkiller, I beat Mittens in a 1v1 and I suck at 1s, and many others that I can name if you ask. I want rocket league to be something more for me. Sign a contract, grow my twitch channel, and continue doing what I love for years to come, besting the pros in a huge competitive tournament. I want my name to come as a surprise, and I wanna be the best


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