Rocket League


Caleb Keesler | 26 ans

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~ increase consistency
~ grow mechanics
~ become a better team player
~ learn better rotation
~ increase game sense/awareness
~ compete against other skilled players
~ find out how far I can go in this game
~ reach SSL this year (2022)
~ become more social/get over social anxiety
~ make friends

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Hello! My name is Caleb, I am 24(M), and I am looking to get on a competitive team in Rocket League. I am Grand Champ 1-2 in Duos and Standard, and while I don't really play Solo Duel at all, I believe I'm around Champ 2 from my placements. I have played Rocket League on and off for about 6 years now (around 2000 hours), but I am finally to the point where I have a little extra time and would really like to start grinding this game and build some consistency. I am very competitive, and I'd really like to grow with a team and see how far we can go! I am very easy going, although somewhat quiet/introverted. I have some social anxiety, but once I feel comfortable with my teammates I'll open right up. I've always solo-qued, so I haven't really learned how to com yet, but I am a quick learner and with the right team I'm sure that won't be an issue. Please reach out to me if you're interested, I can't wait to get started!


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