Rainbow six siege


David Curtiss | 21 ans

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker
Squad Squad
Staff Staff
Shoutcaster Shoutcaster
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Coach Coach
Editor Editor
Other Other


I wish to join an org as a content creator/coach and in the summer as a full-time player. I am a world-class swimmer, (you can search me up as "David Curtiss" on Google for clarification) and due to me being on the United States National Team for swimming my time is very limited, however, I still make time for making videos and for helping a team out.

Experiences online

  • 5 Seasons on Rainbow Six Siege PC (Plat)
  • 4 Years on Rainbow Six Console Xbox (Plat)
  • 2 Years of Aim Trainer Experience PC

Experiences offline

  • Swimming World Champion (champion attitude)


My name is David Curtiss and I am seeking for a new organization/team in the United States to be apart of. I have previously been apart of 3 organizations that were not as serious, one as a player on the team and the other two as a content creator, analyst, and a coach. I have experience in all three of these roles and intent to further my experiences in a new organization. I have cast before as well and stream as much as possible as I love to share my gameplay and talents with the world. I am not a Beaulo or a Shaiiko but I still intend to help a team as much as possible in any way possible, as I love a team atmosphere and have a competitive scene experience. Please feel free to contact me through this or my discord King. #2594, as I check it daily. I hope you read through this entire thing and consider me to be on your organization as I bring the energy every person/team needs.


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