Rainbow six siege


Schorry | 23 ans

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Play ESL and other tournaments to reach far in the R6 scene.
Improve my gameplay to get to another level
Reach diamond
Make challanger league with a team.

Experiences online

  • Ranked
  • 1 ESL tournament

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I have been playing the game since operation health, I am 18 years old. The first 2 seasons I had not really been playing ranked seriously, that's why my rank is low gold. After I started playing it more competitively I went straight to plat. I have never reached higher than plat 2 and a few games of plat 1, because of my teammates keeping me from reaching it can't keep carrying them all the way unfortunately. I am searching for a team that wants to reach high in the r6 scene. I have a little to non tournament experience, because they were never open to play tournaments frequently.

I am open to criticism, tips etc. if I can improve I will listen and try to get way better than I already am.
Having a team that communicates well is a must to reach the top.
I hope to find a team that can help me improve my gameplay and reach the top together.


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