Rainbow six siege


José Júnior | 22 ans

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My dream as most of the players is to reach Pro League, I Know it's a hard and long path until I get there, but I'm willing to do whatever I need to, to get there, before I'd like to participate in many tournaments in ESL Play, R6TM's etc....

Experiences online

  • ESL UK Community Cup- 5th place

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hi, my name is José Júnior I'm a 16 year old R6 player, im a dedicated player always trying to learn and get better, I'm never toxic and I always try to be as helpful as I can. Right now I'm Platinum 3, i've been playing R6 since it came out, but I had never achieved any high rank because I was always a csgo player, recently I left CSGO and started dedicating to r6, I can say I improved a lot on my own (of course with the help of many videos and streams) in 3 months I went from bronze/silver ranks to platinum 3 and improved my ranked K/D from 0.3 to 1.1, I can play any role im assigned to, at the moment I try to be support, Im a Thatcher and Doc main, I also love to play hibana, on defense I can really play anything my team needs me to play, I can be a Mira, smoke, really anything that helps the team, I've been to a team founded by me, we had 3 swedish players and 2 portuguese (one of them being me), we only played an online tournament in ESL Play, wich we got 5th place, I decided to end the team because most players didn't have the same dedication as me, and being someone who wants to get better I had to leave so I could improve.


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