Rainbow six siege


Julian Gonzalez | 24 ans

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I want to get better than I currently am

Experiences online

  • CSGO Amateur team main roster

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


I've been playing siege since operation skull rain on my Xbox and I was never very good barely scraping bronze 5 most the time, eventually I got siege on pc around the time Jackal and Mira were introduced and ill admit I was not too good staying low copper maybe low bronze. after operation chimera I stopped playing siege because I found it boring and didn't feel I was getting better so i stopped playing and only ever played to do my placements and then not touch the game again until this recent season when my friend told me to start playing again. Once i started playing again i did horrible but i didn't want to be carried by my friend so played more and more and got better and better until I solo queued from silver 1 all the way to mid gold one and then tragedy struck and i lost roughly 500 MMR to Ubisoft saying i played with "cheaters" while solo queueing and it just starts a downward spiral leaving me in silver 2. I'm willing to prove I can be a useful member of most any team and earn a spot on the roster.


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