Player Unknown Battlegrounds


Kyle Pelletier | 30 ans

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To be apart of a growing community that helps one another improve many aspects of each others lives.

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Hey there,

I'm a 25 year old male who has spent much of his free time experiancing the joys of:FPS, RTS, 3rd person shooters, MOBA, RPGs, and MMO's

I have always had a love for video game ever since I was young. Command and Conquer Tiberium Dawn was my first video game I played. as I got older i find my tastes are gearing more towards fps and battle royals.

Ever since Esports became a thing I've always wanted to be apart of a team, just didn't know how to go about it until recently. That and I wanted to improve my skill level to match what I believe to be above average to skilled.

Right now I'm looking to join a team that's involved with the following games: Smite, Rainbow six siege, Call of duty: Modern Warfare, PubG.

I have good communication skills and am always evaluating every piece of information that's given to me to help further my team to win. I enjoy being the point man in most situations as it forces me to be on alert and actively seeking an advantage for my team, weather it be threw positioning or equipment.


Here I'd like to describe the type of player i am to help determine if I'm the right member for the team.

Smite: I prefer playing as a mage Aphrodite and Kukulkan. I Enjoy playing Hunter once in a while. I am a very weak assassin, guardian and warrior

Rainbow six siege: On attack the operators i find myself using are mainly Thermite, Buck, and IQ. For defense I Main Rook, Frost and Lesion.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: I enjoy multiplayer but my true passion is for Warzone. I prefer a front line position to provide the team with a consistent flow of any use full information such as loot or possible enemy locations. i also excel at close to mid range combat.

PubG: Similar to Warzone I like a front line position so I can relay any and all useful information as it comes in. I excel at close to mid range combat.

As for me as a person. I like to think of myself as a social butterfly that can get along with almost everyone. If I had to pick three qualities to best describe myself they would be: Kind, Honest, and trustworthy.

As for previous work: I'm a landscaper primarily its something that has always been a close second when it comes to gaming. I enjoy working out side but my true dream is take my skills and refine them to their best possible out come and i Believe this is my best opportunity at such.

as for online experience all I have is Twitch and soon to be Youtube.


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