Overwatch 2


George | 23 ans

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Climbing to Masters, Grandmasters, and Top 500.
Find a meaningful, fun team to play with.
Break into the professional level and contend, opening a pathway to the Overwatch League.

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Hello, I'm Ember, and I focus primarily on the Tank role. Recently, I've found that the team I'm currently on has not being doing any sort of activity, despite nearly 3 years of participation. I'm looking to join an existing team and grow as a player, and break into Contenders or the professional level.
In Overwatch 1 I peaked at ~3200 on tank and DPS, but due to work, lifestyle changes and adulting, I haven't been able to focus on gaming as much. As such, I only placed Gold I in the first season of Overwatch 2. I know I can do much, much better.
My mains: Roadhog-I've the most playtime on him out of every character, and have been playing him since the open beta of Overwatch 1.)
Sigma-I picked him up immediately upon release and spent a period one-tricking him with great success. I made it to Top 50 in Open Queue with just Sigma, not that Open Queue matters.
Zarya-My old team had an extremely competent Reinhardt main, and I would spend much of my time in ranked or in tournaments playing her to devastating effect.
D.Va-not my most played tank, but when I do play her, I tend to do well. However, I find myself being a bit too aggressive with her.
Wrecking Ball‐I've not been playing Ball due to the 5v5 format, but during 6v6 I did well with him.
Orisa‐I've picked her up since the rework and can do well with her.

Some DPS I do well with: Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Reaper, Junkrat, Torbjörn, Soldier: 76
I've played Reaper and Genji the most, but my Echo usually nets me many wins in the ladder.

About myself, I am an aggressive but calculated player who focuses on the needs of the team more than his own stats. I'm very familiar with callouts and team playing. I'm excitable, loud, and enjoy having friends I can rely on to bring ourselves to victory! Consider me as your team's next player, you will not regret it in the slightest. I am extremely open to criticism, VOD reviews, and planning with practices.
My schedule as it stands: I work as an auto technician, from 8am to 6pm. On Fridays, I leave at 4pm, with weekends off.
Thank you for reading my resume, and I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.


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