League of Legends

The Emerald Lord

Luke Ashmore | 23 ans

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My ambition is to (rather generically) take the competitive scene of league by storm! Not as this cold serious "I felt like I could've play better" bore you see all the time in LCS, no no, I want eccentric thrills crushing heartbreaks and death defying dares on the live stage and overall provide entertainment to those who watch, because lets be real here, champions last a season...MEMES ARE ETERNAL!

Experiences online

  • Took part in a stream ran tournament called "the yabbers cup"

Experiences offline

  • Currently working in an "e-sorts" course at my uni in nottingham.


Greetings! I am The Emerald lord, or just Emerald if that suits your fancy, now then, I suppose you may be asking yourself what a lowly iron 2 player is doing asking to join a team hmm? (no joke I was iron 2 last season funny story...) Well, I after a long night of deep thinking about where my life is really going it dawned on me, like the apple falling upon sir Issacs Neutrons head that deep down I AM a performer and showman at heart, and what's been holding me back is a lack of dedication and like minded individuals to share in my desires. So I'm writing this to you, wonderful team leaders of league of legend teams... take a gamble and a risk, I may not be the best player, far from it in fact, but if you are willing to put the time into giving an old jester a chance to see the lights once again, I will try my damnest bestist and dandiest to make whatever you need work. I'm a diligent worker when it comes to motivated tasks and I'm always willing to experiment with whatever i build or run, max first max last e.c.t. However, the main reason I feel YOU as a captain would want me is...VARIETY! Picture it, winning worlds because you picked one oddball iron player who wears a mask, in my eyes, the competitive people you see on scenes are a bore, these super serious take no nonsense men of few words drivel, you want REGONITION, you want people to know that's YOUR team when they glance over at your team, and I am the dancing jester who will get you the recognition you desire.


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