League of Legends


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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller


Rise all the way to the top of the players.
Work with other players and make amazing friends and peers to create bonds and strategies with.
To think about what ways we can improve the team and how to make the game fun for everyone, players and viewers.

Experiences online

  • Online league of legends

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


A quick note about my champions and roles:
Due to my ambitions and love for the game and gaming in general, I am fully willing to try out any champion and role necessary and commit to it for the sake of the team. My dedication does not stop at just one or two champions, however my favorites so far are lost below.

I am an active gamer over many types of games. Ever since I received an old iPhone back when I was 6, I have enjoyed video games and their systems as my #1 activity.
In terms of willingness to practice towards improving at one game, I would put every-last-waking-hour of 6 out if 7 days a week to become better. Once the week is done I would still play for fun and organize strategies on the day off.
I am extremely dedicated, as are many others, to the idea of improving myself at what I love until I get to the very top and then keep on climbing.
You won’t find any other person who is more energetic or dedicated than I.
They say that if you do what you love for a living, then you don’t work a day in your life, but I say that if you do what you truly love for a living, then you never stop being on a wondrous adventure. That’s what gaming is for me. Constant change in scenarios where you have to think about what to do next and surprise the world with what you can accomplish.
I can only dream that one day I can surprise the world like that to, which can only be done if you give me the chance.
So whether you contact me or not, I applaud you, because you too are trying to make this community better and create the amazing, competitive atmosphere that we all know and love.
Thank you for your time.


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