League of Legends


Brendon | 26 ans

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Player Player
Webmaster Webmaster
Webdesigner Webdesigner


To find a team to play with and improve at League of Legends with over time. Looking to play in a more competitive environment in the hopes that it improves the game.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Playing competitive sports for years
  • Web Development


I have been playing League of Legends now for 6 years and am looking to get into a more competitive environment. I'm a team-focused player who is open to roaming and assisting around the map to make sure my team wins. For 5 years now I have been playing primarily mid/adc and have consistently been sitting in high gold to low plat range.

I can always learn new champions to help my team succeed with wanting to play certain team comps and I'll put the time in to make sure I can play them for us. Additionally, I'm open to working with a coach or a team leader on how they want me to improve and look at what I need to make myself better for the team.

I also have a background in web development so I can help there if the team is looking to have a team website. I can always make a web page for the team to use.


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