League of Legends

A Bored Squirrel

Nicolas | 28 ans

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Who am I?

I'm a 28 years old French guy living around london. I'm fluent in English and decent in Italian. I love video games, competition, board games, hikes and dogs.
I am a long time league player who likes to play in a joyful but competitive environment. I started playing in S1 but never spent enough time on the game to get really good, and started playing ranked in s5. I peaked D1 in 2020 but have been hovering in lower emerald since, as I spent less time grinding.

Personality / Kind of Player

I'm a very calm player with decent macro and ability to shotcall, whilst my mechanical proficiency is below average for emerald / diamond level. I would rank my mental above my macro, and my mechanics below that. I never tilt, I take in the gamestates quickly and think on where to go from there, quick to recover from mistakes, mine or my teammates.

Roles and Pick

I'm exclusively a jungler. The highest I ranked on another role was Plat 3 on mid. I was a Shaco OTP for nearly 10 years, but have diversified my pools over the years. I also have very good general game knowledge and can play most champs decently after very little training on them, due to a focus on macro rather than mechanics.
My pool is, by order of proficiency: Shaco (any build), Taliyah, Evelynn, Zac, Kindred, Vi, Amumu, J4, Xin Zhao.
From then, I am happy to train on any pick.

What do I look for?

I love competition, but I do not think I'll ever be on a Master level. I have ambitions to reach high diamond levels of play eventually, but am not looking beyond that.
More so than soloQ, I enjoy organised play, therefore I am looking for just that: a team of a similar level to mine to play with, focussing on improvement and good play. I will be happy to commit to a full, real organised league, but also satisfied with Clash tournaments or even 5 stack Flex Queue.

If you like what you see, please get in touch!


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