Bastian Harald | 27 ans

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I plan to use most of my free time that is not dedicated to university, my social life and sports to dota 2 to become a steadily better player and be able to go pro full time once i get my Bachelor Degree in 2021.
I do not intend on going full time pro before that.
I am looking for a team for practice and long term improvement.
I am willing to go to lans and play in cups and tournaments, tho not on a full time professional scale until 2021.
My goals are to obtain 6-7k+ mmr and a decent ammount of tournament experience over the next 3 years.

Experiences online

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Im 21 years old, currently studying Business Information Systems In Halle(Saale) - Germany
I intend to finish my Bachelor Degree by 2021.
Outside of University and Sports i still have a decent amount of time on my hands.
Dota 2 is the only game i will never be able to quit and it is probably the one game i will still be playing in 10 years.
I am currently divine 1 returning from a break since early 2017 where i tried to grind for being able to go pro.
After getting to about 5.6k peak with lots of room to still grow i decided it would be better to get an education in my backpack before further pursing this and take care of my body and mind.
Now that i am taking care of my body, mind and education in a good manner it is time for me to return to Dota 2 and begin my 3 year journey to become a top level player.
Dota related:
I Play 1,3 and 4 positions mainly and i enjoy all of them equally. I also enjoy 5 position where needed and the ocasional OD/TA mid but thats not where my talents are.
I am a calm and collected player on 5 position i tend to ward, feed and kill alot. I thrive in an agressive playstyle where i get a midgame advantage and push it through. I literally never flame, just the ocasional shittalk to enemies. But thats just sportsmanship as intended.


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