Grim Я彡aper †

Marc Bonn | 124 ans

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Initiator Ganker Carry Semi-Carry Pusher Support Jungler Nuker Disabler
parties minimum
  • Invoker


Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader


Nothing high pressure or too high skill :)
Would still like to play some battle cups and tournaments though.

Experiences online

  • battle cups and random tournaments. A lot more back in the StarCraft days.

Experiences offline

  • A bunch of StarCraft tournaments


My name is Marc and I have been playing dota for quite a few years now.
Starting in Dota 1 and getting into Dota 2 from the start. I have taken a pretty lengthy break in between and have now gotten back into playing.
After the break I lost a lot of rank - being Legend 6 now. I ranked again at 3,500 when I started again.

I'm from Germany originally, but am living in the UK - about an hour north of London.

In terms of dota, I'm comfortable playing any position - but prefer playing 2 or 4, followed by 3 or 1, not so hot on 5 :)
I'd like to think that I have a pretty deep hero pool, and happy to prepare anything needed.
Strongest position is 2, on a variety of playmaker or farm heroes (Invoker, Puck, Lina, DP, Ember, Alch, Storm, QoP, WR, Tinker, SF, DK and more)
Followed by position 4, e.g. Earth Spirit, Earth Shaker, Shadow Shaman, Kotl, Mirana, Pudge, Tusk, SK, nyx, batrider, enigma, bounty, magnus, clock, lesh etc.
Also a couple thousand games on carries and offlaners, anything meta and I will surely have played it.

I have lately been getting a lot more into strategy lately, trying to understand map movements more - and trying to direct my pubs.
Always trying to think about the game in detail beforehand, how to approach lanes, draft and take fights, who to target etc.

I'm a bit sick of the lack of communication in pubs though, and would like to play with a regular party, maybe some battle cups and tournaments too.
Nothing high pressure or high skill.

I'm generally a very relaxed kind of person and don't tilt easily :)


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