Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Michal Ziolkowski | 24 ans

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Be known as a PRO team.
Winning in various tournaments and LAN's.

Experiences online

  • CSGO Tournaments

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  • Pas encore d'experiences


Looking for a team that is encouraged in achieving something really big ! I am talking about worldwide tournaments ! I am really passionate about becoming a professional COD player, preferably in multiplayer but definitely I can adjust to warzone, or both :)
I am 20 years old born in Poland and currently living in the UK ( London ) I am passionate to gaming from cs 1.6 in 2007 till now to COD. I have played csgo for many years on a high level Global Elite for around 2 years. I played some tournaments but it was nothing big. Couple months ago I have realized my big ambitions for this game, I train nearly everyday for plenty of hours to improve my skills and so that the next day is better than the previous one. I know there is a long way ahead of me but I am sure with my motivation I will reach something big.
Looking for someone with the same motivation and hope as myself, for a team that can motivate each other and not lose faith when we are going through rough time. Can't express myself enough on how much I am willing to give and expect other way round.

My current K/D ratio is 1.50, but I believe it should be much higher, but of course it can't reflect on my skill as it's just a number.

Can't wait till I hear from you, Michal.


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