Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Colton Edens | 22 ans

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I would like to start competing in higher level matches, such as gamebattles and possibly LAN. Reaching the highest level that I possibly can.

Experiences online

  • Small LAN tournament at an event held in the local area, placed first out of 16 teams

Experiences offline

  • High school athlete
  • Hard worker
  • College student
  • Intelligent person


Hi, my names is Colton. I've been playing Call of Duty since the release of MW3, and have played ever Call of Duty since with the exception of Infinite Warfare, which I didn't play much of. I first became interested in competitive Call of Duty in Black Ops 2, where I would grind competitive endlessly. Since then I have done everything I can to improve my game, such as watching popular Youtubers, strategies guides, etc. I have also watched every tournament this year with the CDL league, my favorite team being the Huntsmen. My strengths as a player are situational awareness, game and map iq, and playing more of an anchor role. This comes from the fact that I almost exclusively play Search and Destroy, although I am very comfortable and familiar with competitive Hardpoint and Domination. I am most comfortable with an AR in my hands across all game modes, along with some sniping when needed in SnD. But I'm more than willing to play the role of SMG if needed. I would best fit on a team looking for someone with top of the line game knowledge, with everything from class setups, map knowledge such as lines of sight and power positions, and playing more of an anchor or main AR role in respawn. I can genuinely say I am a good player in the position I am best at, and again, I am comfortable with being a slayer or entryman if needed, but I would be best used in an anchor role. I am serious about my play, I have a good setup and I am ready for whatever comes. I'm ready to take my career to the next level. If your team could use a player like me, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am completely open to a tryout or testing type thing as well. I hope I can fit the need your team requires. Thank you for your time.


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