Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Christian McCarthy | 22 ans

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I hope to be on a Call of Duty team because I've always enjoyed playing video games but never grinded a game as much as I have at Call of Duty. I feel I am good enough to be on a team and to also be a big player.

Experiences online

  • I've won many Warzone games and am participating on my college esports team
  • Clutched 5v1 in Warzone with no armor
  • Play search and gun game mostly but also play warzone duos or trios
  • Practice COD almost every day for about an hour or 2

Experiences offline

  • On college baseball team
  • Work a couple jobs but can always find time for video games
  • I attend St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY


I have been looking for a Call of Duty team to play on for a while now and I hope this is the right one for me. I am 18 years old and I'm in college but I still play a ton of Call of Duty. I've been play Call of Duty since the OG Black Ops and I've played all the way to now. At the moment I'm a level 95 after the new season reset but I'm grinding to triple digits. I mostly play Search and Destroy but I also play Gun Game Remastered and Warzone. In Search and Destroy I'm usually top 3 on the leaderboard and that is the same in Gun Game. In Warzone I average about 5 kills per game and most of the time I don't have my actual loadout. My loadout consists of an M4A1 and either an MP5 or a Sniper either one works. I also like playing the 2v2 tournaments when they're out but they haven't been out lately. Usually when I play 2v2 my team makes it to either the semi-finals or the finals and if we make it to the finals we are going to win 9 out of 10 times.


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