Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Jade Henkes | 18 ans

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As much as I love playing casually, I've just been getting better and better, since I play this game almost everyday, and I've been doing quite well!
And Because of that, I thought that maybe I could join a team so that way I could get more professional at the game, since I think I could handle myself quite well in more pro matches.

Experiences online

  • Playing the game and it's prequel almost everyday since they both came out, I've been really good at fps games, mainly as an sniper (not bolt-action)

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello, name's Jade. I casually play modern warfare II, trying to get more professional at the game by playing ranked, and by overall just trying my best. I've been getting top of the leaderboard quite often in lots of game modes, mainly search & destroy. I mainly play on hardcore mode, but I can do really well in normal modes too, main guns I use are mainly dmr's, semi automatic powerful rifles are my specialty in almost any game. If you need me for recon, sniping, flanking, or overall trying to stay alive, I'm your guy.


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