Call of Duty Mobile


Steven DiBiasi | 18 ans

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My ambitions are to join a semi-professional team, learn from coaches and mentors, grow and rank up with my teammates, and ultimately make brand new connections to likeminded people.

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Hello, I'm Steven, I'm 15 at the time of writing. I currently reside in Long Island, New York, and I'm looking for a Call of Duty Mobile team. I admit, I'm quite new to the game, playing it for less than a month at the time of writing, but within that time i have dramatically improved in the ranks, currently sitting at a solid Pro IV, and a rank of 46. I do need improvement on reducing deaths, reaction time, and accuracy. I used to not take FPS games seriously, but when introduced to Call of Duty Mobile, I realized my true potential. I honestly have always in my past had a hard time accomplishing big long term projects, mostly due to symptoms of my ADHD, but I now refuse to let it get me away from accomplishing my dreams. I wont let myself go any farther down the rabbit-hole to being what people like to call "wasted potential." With this out of the way, please consider my resume, and thank you for taking your time to read!


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