Call of Duty: Cold War


Dalton Taylor | 26 ans

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I wish to make a living doing the thing I love and what better option than the thing that keeps me young at heart video games. Love them now and I believe I'll love them all my life.

Experiences online

  • Fortnite Tournaments.
  • Umg Battles
  • Checkmate Gaming Battles

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello all,
My name is Dalton and I've an avid gamer since I was 8. I have never really took the initiative to join into esports nor did I think I stood a chance to play with the pros. It was brought to my attention recently that if you miss all shots not taken. I believe myself to be better than the average player by a Longshot, however I do not necessarily have the stats to prove that. This is mostly due to the fact that I constantly like to evolve my playing, therefore I try new weapons variants or even game modes for that matter to not only have fun but develope the skill of those weapons or modes. I believe I would be a great asset to a upcoming team, and if you dont believe me give me a shot you may be surprised. The only downfall I have is that the lack of courage in myself lead me away from social media so I have no following but I assure you having an under the radar wild card can be very benificial..


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