Apex Legends


Boe Smith | 18 ans

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Get as good as I can and become a professional FPS gamer. Make a living off of gaming. Have a reputation.

Experiences online

  • I don't have any teammates to play competitively with so I've never joined a tournament but I've gotten Gold 2 solo in apex.

Experiences offline

  • I've destroyed all my friends for a long time at lan party's.


My name is Boe I am a 17 year old from Montana U.S. I'm trying to join a team to become a professional FPS Player. I live in Townsend a small town with around 2,000 people. Out of everyone I know I am the best at FPS games mainly Halo, Cod, and Apex. I have been paying on PC for little over a year and have increased my game sense tremendously. People I play with have told me have something different about how I play. I am very flashy and hit a lot of 360s and also I am very good at reading people before a fight (Talking about battle royal games) but I'm not very good on acting on it, mainly I don't hit my shots. My aim is probably my worse attribute which will hopefully come with time. A team is what I think I need to get to the next level and increase my ability. The people I know don't take the game seriously enough. I don't know if I am a leader but I tend to be when I'm playing with my friends. The highest rank I've gotten in a game is around gold 2 in Apex. Which is bad but it was solo and I could only play for around half a season. I gave a very small YouTube and Twitch with around 35 subs each and a TikTok which as has a couple 300 view clips but nothing crazy. But my end goal is to just be able to live off competitively paying video games. Thank you.


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