Apex Legends

Mr DecoyDude

Kaiden Stenson | 15 ans

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Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker


I want to become an insanely good mirage movement player, maybe a coach, and make it into ALGS.

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Hello, My name is Kaiden, Ive been playing apex for well over 5 years, and started season 2, I currently play Horizon, Mirage, and Vantage, I mostly play Horizon, for the time being my playstyle is focused on aim and a little movement, but will drastically change in the future once I get a Pc, I want to be a completely movement based mirage main with the most decoys created in the world, but for now my main is Horizon

How I act:
I act calm and friendly, but when playing apex I callout at much as possible

Favorite roles:
I love playing fragger and anchor, I am able to play Igl if needed, I play anchor well with Vantage.

Favorite Guns:
Me personally I have a wide selection of guns I use, mostly smgs and shotguns, but I can use just about anything

Guns I cannot use:
I specifically am not able to use the following: charge rifle, Havoc, Eva 8, Devotion, Tripletake, P2020, and Mozambique

Average days played a week:
I play almost every single day of the week, and frequently am on apex running reps to improve

Kd: almost 1.0

Current rank: Silver
I am silver because I am constantly running games to get better.

Things I am good at:
strategy, callouts, support, supergliding, mantle jumping, zipline regrabbing, wall bouncing, fatigue jumps

Things I am working on:
super jumping, tracking, confidence

If you have any more questions, please let me know! I live in eastern time.


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