

justin wise | 18 years old

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I am Highly ambitions to become the best as possible.

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I have always loved to play multiplayer shooter games. I first started playing Call Of Duty Black Ops III with my dad, I remember always trying to beat him in out little 1v1's. Around this time I was about 9 years old. Ever since then I have had a dying passion to play video games at a competitive level. up until recently I wanted nothing to do with collage. Since the finding that you get scholarships as well degrees in Esports and gaming I have changed my view on collage. A few days ago I gained access to my grandmothers PC and noticed it had a GTX 1050, an i7 processer with 16gb of ram. now I'm no stranger to computer hardware so I knew that I could game a bit on it. i started with sea of thieves, now I love that game for the adversity but once I got into valorant now all i want to do play competitive and compete, and soon hopefully become the best at it. I am truly grateful for your time in reading what i have to say and I hope you consider me for your Team/Organization.


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