

Osidarap | 26 years old

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-compete in high-level scrims
-compete in tournaments with full team
-high coordination between all members of the team
-becoming the best player that I can possibly be
-grow together and achieve ultimate success
-develop strong sense of camaraderie between all teammates
-achieve enough success to hopefully make this a career
-think BIG

online experience

  • have to have somewhere like 30,000 hours of experience in just online fps shooters in my lifetime so far.

offline experience

  • been gaming since I was 4 years old. been playing fps shooters since I was 5 years old. I am 22 years old. Been building computers for about 4 years. Built every single gaming computer I've owned.


Hello, I'm Osidarap and playing competitive FPS shooters is my passion. I have recently fallen in love with the game VALORANT after having come from CS:GO in which I have 1600+ hours in. Striving to reach my full potential in VALORANT has been my goal ever since I had access to it in Beta. One thing that has held me back all this time however, is the lack of a full team. I am currently GOLD III and just solo queue, trying to be the best player I can be for my team. Searching for a team I'd take pride in being a part of is something I've been wanting to do for a while now. And I'm at the point now where I'm certain that I'm ready to do this and give it everything I have.

Most of my hours are on Sage, second is most likely Reyna. (don't have exact number of hours to give)


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