

Ronalyn | 16 years old

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Starting out I didn't really have any goals at first, but now I plan on becoming the best I could be. I really wanna make myself known, and get better at the game. All the while making friends along the way, this journey will definitely do me good if I do decide to become a content creator. Which I am really leaning towards to, I want to become a well-known Twitch Streamer.

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I started playing Valorant just last year, took me a whole year to get out of bronze. Back then, I didn't think much of ranked. I only played the game with my friends for fun. I grew to love the game and admire professional teams, which led to me now trying to climb up the ranks and improve at the game with a consistent routine of VOD/clip reviewing, playing comp, aim training, and even taking lessons from Coach Konpeki! Although, I am trying to balance my life with school and work but still find myself wanting to pursue Valorant more than anything. I don't have any professional team experience, but me and my friends work great together. We push through the ping differences, and find ourselves winning almost every game we play.


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