

Botirimi | 17 years old

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Become a young Esports player in Women Esports
Play a professional Esports tournament
Travel and play in tournaments
Make it onto Esports news and inspire others

online experience

  • 5 stacked with highschool friends and been a leader.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello. My name is Boti; my online alias is Botz or Dani - which is short for Daniella. I'm Black British and I am actively looking to join a VALORANT Esports Team. It would be an absolute honour to be a part of a Women's Esports Team. I, myself believe that Esports is a passionate career - especially for the youth of this generation and not just girls. I'm a firm and active worker and player in VALORANT in particular; I am able to communicate my own actions, team strategies, positive advice and most importantly, I make sure that I do my best to satisfy everyone I'm playing with - even if I don't know who they are as well as the fact that it's not in my ability to satisfy everyone I meet in online games. I play VALORANT for fun but it would be incredible to play professionally. With the practice, experience and mindset of a professional player, I can make certain to play the best I possibly can with my unique sense and skills. I have been a fan of watching VALORANT CHAMPIONS TOURS and GAME CHANGERS since 2021 therefore, I would consider being part of an Esports team as a tremendously amazing opportunity.

Thank for your time - Boti

Here is a list of my mains and their categories - for each category, I have at least two main agents:

CONTROLLER - Viper and Brimstone
DUELIST - Raze, Neon and Phoenix
INITIATOR - Fade, Gekko, Skye and KAY/O
SENITEL - Sage, Killjoy and Deadlock


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