

Chris van der Laan | 122 years old

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my biggest ambition is to become one of the best valorant players in canada along with my team.

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hi im COBO1T as of right now i'm just looking to join a team while i'm renovating my gaming space, as of 1 month ago when i started renovations i was silver in valorant and am looking to train and improve as much as i can so that i can be one of the best assets for the team. Im looking to join a team that is inviting, and friendly, i'm also looking to be as serious as i can and would like other players available so im not playing with randoms. I create content based off of my competitive scene, as of wight now on twitch i have 53 followers but i will work very hard to make that number increase when i get my gaming space back after its renovated. also right now i'm doing summer school so i might have a little less time because of that but it wont be a set back at all as i will still play val everyday 4-9. when i get my space and computer back. i also cant put experiences because i've never been on a team before.


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