

Billy Jones | 23 years old

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My unrealistic ambitions would be to finally get to radiant in ranked and to play inside a team where everyone would know my name.

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Name: Billy
Age: 20
Location: UK
Rank: Immo 1
Role: Duelist / Initiator
Description: Hey guys, Now I am not gonna sit here and lie on my resume to join some type of team, I have been playing fps games for 8+ years now, starting my first one with counter strike, I have been global in cs, and I have also been B- in esea, however I have never been in a team nor do I have any experience in a team other than playing with a 5 man of friends occasionally. I started playing valorant 3 months ago, in this time I have managed to get to immo 1, probably due to my previous experience in cs, and the fact that I don't have a job so I sit inside all day gaming lol. Now you're probably thinking "Why would we wanna try out this guy?" well I have the answer, even though I lack experience in professional team play I feel as though I would be a great player to take under your wing and properly guide to the big leagues, I have so much time on my hands its kind of sad, so that's a bonus I guess and I really do have the drive and determination to get better at this game. You will never hear me getting really mad, or questioning when someone tells me what I did wrong etc... I welcome all tough critics on my plays as I really do want to use this to get better. I am mostly aim no brain, that's why I usually play a duelist role, However this is the only area I feel like needs improving, is my overall game sense / team work.


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