Rocket League

steam: saltyoceann epic: HPC_Venom

g | 17 years old

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My ambitions are to play with a well coordinated team, and get better at the game. I don't try to do flashy solo plays, and the most satisfying clips in my opinion are passing plays. I mostly want to get better at the game.

online experience

  • 380 hours
  • Team experience

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I have been playing Rocket League for a few months now. I have amassed a total of 382 hours as of 12/30/20. The reason I have the "Est. 2015" title is that I was told by my friend to get Rocket League in 2015, but I didn't play much of it back then. Since I picked the game back up a few months ago, I have gone through gold to plat to diamond 1 division 2 in 2s. I started playing 3s two weeks ago and since then have gotten to plat 2 division 4. I am currently 15 years old, nontoxic, and know when to not be immature.


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