Rocket League


Ryan Coyle | 27 years old

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Looking to be consistently at Champ rank within the next year. I want to join a RL club in order to gain more experience playing with the same people consistently and gain knowledge from teammates. I have never had a coach for any video game but would love feedback and critique. Want to be at the GC rank within the next two years and SSL within the next five years (if reasonably attainable). More than anything, I want my experience with Rocket League to be taken to the next level whether thats in rank, mechanics, or freestyling.

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • international athlete


I've been playing Rocket League for 4 years and consistently stay in Diamond II or III for 2s now. I have made it to Champ I in 2s but not consistently. I primarily play 2s but am looking to play 3s more seriously as well. My 1s and 3s ranks are high Plat but I just don't play regularly like 2s. I am looking to join a team that I can help to expand my knowledge and skills. I need to refine my mechanics and rotations, but I have a solid foundation. I would say my game is pretty well-rounded. I tend to go for passes rather than goals when there's an opportunity for it. Primarily I'm looking for a competitive and fun environment while still learning and expanding my game.


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