Rocket League


Evan Lechner | 19 years old

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-Willing to play and train as much as possible for whatever the goal may be for the team.
-Will help bring others up, give advice, support each other and make the team better
-I plan to be loyal to any clans/teams that accept me and are willing to play around me as much as I will play around them.
-Chemistry is key, I am willing to build that with others who are willing to do the same
-I want to improve as badly as I want to win

online experience

  • -Have played RL since 2016
  • -Have participated in NA RLCS Open Qualifiers (2x)
  • -Made 2 of my own teams in the past (both consisted of champ+ lvl players)
  • -Had much experience playing with Grand Champ+ lvl teammates and opponents.
  • -Contributed 1400+ hours into RL in a span of less than 1 1/2 yrs.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello, I am Jango. I'd consider myself to be a very determined and disciplined player, as I can be patient and help build others around me. It is extremely important for me and players alike to reach out to teams whom may be interested, so this is what I present to you. :)
-Prioritizing playmaking for the team
-Countering opposing shots is one of my best skills
-Play calling is necessary for a successful team
-Flicks are essential in a higher level of play
(Experiences in different section)


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