Rocket League


| N/A years old

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I am Frio, founder of BGL. If you are reading this then you are probably wondering why I have contacted you, I would like to get to know you and your team and possibly invite you to compete in our league, as well as help you grow and develop your team to its full potential in the process.
A little about me, I have played RL since 2016 and have gathered over 2.5k hours in the game. I have played and coached several teams throughout my career. I have also been programming for over 12 years. Combining my coding expertise and my passion for RL, I have decided to create a project combining the two to develop a completely new atmosphere for RL teams to gain experience and grow their player's careers. I have a strong passion to take ideas and turn them into reality, and feel truly satisfied to see others benefit from my work. The work that I do is not for money nor for attention, I simply enjoy putting my hobby to something that others can enjoy as well. I hope that this little piece about me is enough to have my voice heard as my goal is to help you and everyone else already involved. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

-Frio (Founder of BGL)


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