Rocket League


FacelessDan YT | 21 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Editor Editor


Rocket league
Elder scrolls online
Minecraft and Minecraft dungeons
Fallout Franchise
Farcry franchise
Forza horizon 4-5
Music - mainly EDM and dubstep and chillstep (I.e Bossfight, Slushi etc..)

online experience

  • When I play Casual I tend too Sweat it out and have music playing.

offline experience

  • I tend too hang out with my family and friends


Hi, My name is FacelessDan/Daniel, and I am a High Platinum and Diamond player on Rocket league. I am looking too join a Esports group or Team that will help me improve on my Mechanics and Game sensibilities. I've played the Game for more than 4 years on different Consoles (Collectively throughout these 4 years), my journey through the game has been a rough one starting from sliver 2 div 2 back in 2018 and now 2022 Around D2 div 2. My actual casual mmr is Around C1 div 2 which is around 1,023mmr.

When it comes too Experience being in a esports team I haven't been in one Before so it might take me a couple of days too settle in because of my ADHD and Learning Disabilities. I dont let that get in the way of my Game and Rank.

Some reasons I would be Great joining Your team:

1. I've got 4-5 years of the game under my belt from a player that has been through different ranks throughout the years..

2. I'm a Exceptional and Funny person too be around, it is almost like I become the heart of the team.

3. Ik too some that my rank is not worth it, but dont judge a book by its cover, I mean every player has off days and on days in game. I regularly take one for team and take risks too oppose the opposite team I'm good a calling in the centres and passes.

4. In order for me too progress my game sensibilities I need too learn a few more Mechanics like Musty flicks, flip rests and Aerials.
I can sort of do air control goals but not fully Aerials yet.

5. I can bring my knowledge too other team mates and I will learn from others quiet quickly, YouTube side I've got a channel called 13thfloorinvestigations that does unboxing and Ghost hunting that has got 1.5k!? I'm still learning how too do Twitch properly and Discord I've been A mod like 5 times and 2 as owner so ive got some sort of knowledge on Discord.

I'm currently in or going too college too study Game development and I'm doing a extra topic of Video and Game Editing on the side too help with my Twitch and YouTube channel.

I hope this has been enough Info about me, If you need more feel free too contact me on my socials

Peace.. Daniel :)


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