Rocket League


Anya | 14 years old

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Ali-I-ExpoTR icon
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Leader Leader


To become a national Team Leader and a member of a pro team and work my to the highest league as an individual.

online experience

  • I have participated in tournaments and placed top 10 on average.

offline experience

  • I am yet to experience in my upper level years of gaming.


Hi I am Ali-I-Expo leader of Team Fury Guard run by the EXPO 1. I am a high level player with a lot of experience in the Epic Games range and generally play there range. I have been inspired to build teams across multi platforms and have an aspiration to become top of the league with the teams. I have been part of many teams including foundations by pro players across my region. I am a young player and I am relatively talented. Above all I think that one of the key strategies in gaming is the knowledge of that game. I am recruiting a team of young Rocket League players who I plan to take to the top. Rocket League has given me that sense of ambition and that’s why I am taking it and considering it as my key priority. I would like to be part of a Pro Team to get the experience of the members so I can take those facts and use other leaders strategies to build my team. Also Teams would give me a chance to become a greater level player.


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