Rainbow six siege


Grayson | 24 years old

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LAN Player LAN Player


I would like to end up in the competitive scene one day, and possibly by joining a team I can further that dream. I play well with team members that wanna do good and play together as a team. Please think about this and let me know.
You can contact me through my email, **** or you can text **** you call me there I probably won't answer so text me first so I can add you to my contacts.

online experience

  • PS4 Comp. Scene
  • PC Comp. Scene
  • Was in a Destiny clan for 4 years, Immortal Essence, where i was a captain and did pvp sweats every day.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is VoidFiend, but most people just call me Void. I am strong willed and very competitive player with years of gaming experience on console and since moved to pc last year. I adapt very well and in just about every game I play want to get that W, and nothing less. I am looking for a team of like-minded players who have similar values to that of my own. I am around level 50 on pc RSS, but I was over 150 on PS4. I currently have a 1.2 k/d and 1.4 w/l after playing the majority of my ranked games solo. Playing randoms as you probably already know didn't go so well even though I won the majority of my games. i am very interested in joining this team because I want to become a part of a gaming community that acts and thinks like I do when playing games. I hope you really consider me as a possible candidate, I can promise I don't disappoint. Thank you.
- Void


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