Rainbow six siege


Devyn Moreno | 22 years old

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To achieve Champion Status in R6 Siege and to play in tournaments.
To win tournaments with a great team.
To help my team as much as they would help me.
To get overall better at the game(s) I play.
To be able to pass on my skills and lessons I've learned to the younger generation.

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I've played my fair share of a lot of games ever since I was a kid. I've always loved RPG, Strategy, and FPS types of games. I've always played Xbox my whole life, but I've also played on PC, Playstation, Ninento devices, PSP, and Mobile.

I may not be the best of the best player, but I am always looking up ways to become better overall. R6 Siege has always been at the top of my list, although I stopped playing for a while. I recently got back into it and last season achieved a Gold 3 rank from mainly solo queing and occasionally 2-stacking with my girlfriend or 5-stacking by LFG posts on Xbox. I do know that with a proper 5-stack team who's level I can match to, I can definitely reach higher ranks.

I'm a strategist at heart and a natural leader. My work experience consists of being a sous chef for a family catering company taking lead in the kitchen and as a Stock Supervisor at my current job in retail. I have no trouble taking charge and leading a team in the best possible direction for the whole collective. I used to play for my high school football team and that role came with coming up with offensive and defensive strategies to help my team get turnovers, touchdowns, etc. In terms of R6 Siege, I'm always coming up with new strategies on the fly given certain conditions (site set-ups, operators' strengths and weaknesses, site locations, etc). If something doesn't work, I'm able to adjust and communicate with my team to be able to put us in a spot to win.

I'm also very competitive by nature and I will put every effort possible into winning although I'm not a bad sport as I know losses happen. I'm very good with people and work well with others. I'm also able to take constructive feedback as it will help me better my craft.

Although I have never played with an ESports team, I feel like no time is better than the present. The main reasons I would be valuable to any team would be that I'm determined, a strategist at heart, a leader, and when I'm focused on something I'm 110% locked in.

I am open to other games, other games I play are games like COD MW 2018, COD MW2, Destiny 2, and more!


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