Rainbow six siege


Jeremy Booker | 26 years old

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My ambitions are to find a team or community that is positive, supportive, and passionate about winning. In both Siege, other games, and IRL. I put hours into gaming every day and constantly try to better myself. Hopefully, I can find that here on Team-seek.

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I have been playing R6 Siege since its release in 2015. I have been ranked diamond or above since I started playing (year 1 season 1). I have over 2,000 hours in the game and know how to run every operator on both defense and offense. Years ago when I had an organized team, I hit 5,000 elo without trying. That team eventually moved to PC. I've been alone on console for years now without any consistent teammates or friends. Anyone who plays this game alone knows ranked is a nightmare without comms or teammates. You WILL get elo trapped, team killed, and sold... often intentionally. It's to the point now where I can't play a single match without getting elo trapped or taken advantage of in some way by the other team or my own team. I'm looking for a dedicated team that plays often, and takes winning seriously but has fun doing it. I would describe myself as a flew player who can fill any spot on a team. I have filled IGL spots on my old team before but I was not the official IGL.


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