Rainbow six siege


Sacha | 23 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Leader Leader
LAN Player LAN Player


To become professional.

online experience

  • 2x ELC Finals Major Division
  • 3x ELC Playoffs Major Division
  • 1x played FCL quals
  • Lots of T3 scrims (against 7AM, Red Falcons, Reply Totem, Outplayed, 1st Cav)
  • Countless T4 scrims & T4 community tournaments

offline experience

  • No experiences yet



Looking For Team

I stuck with the same team for 2 years
19 year old
2.5K hours played

My idea of the game - I strongly believe that overly-aggressive Siege is the worst way to play the game.
I prefer when things are structured, with my teammates knowing the strategies and what to do against X type of situation, while still being flexible.
Nonetheless, winning gunfights is what wins you round, so you need to be able to frag.

Playstyle - I am confident in winning my gunfights, but I’ll always make sure my teammate can have my revenge or that I won’t die for no particular reason if this is possible.

I am very flexible, I can play every role but I have the most experience on Sledge/Zofia & Flankwatch.


Nantes Esport, Online — IGL, Captain - played mostly Soft Breacher & Flankwatch
May 2020 - April 2021

We got picked up by Nantes Esport, as they would do their best to help us improve as individuals, become professional in the way we do things and think.
I learnt a lot during this time thanks to the many coaches that helped us.
I played literally EVERY role from Entry to Hard Support, but most of my time played was on Soft Breacher as well as some Flankwatch.
Also, I was the one looking for scrims, creating strats, giving feedback to players -> here I learnt that a player shouldn’t be doing all 3 things, and how valuable support staff are.
Unfortunately, the roster changed a lot, as people would rather leave than try to fix problems.
This means we are now 2/5 people left from the original roster, and this is why I am going LFT.

Team S8TAN, Online — IGL, Captain - Soft Breacher
August 2019 - May 2020

We originally founded this team with 2 friends of mine, trying to get back into competition after a long break. It was lots of fun, I played Buck/Zofia most of the time, then Buck lost his nades…
I learnt a lot about controlling my emotions, the way I give criticism and about the game in general.
It was a really great experience and this is when I knew I wanted to raise the Six Invitational hammer.
Then we started looking for an organisation to help us take a step further.

Université de Tours, France— Digital Communication
Sept. 2020 - April 2022

Lycée Hugues Capet, France — A-Levels in Economics
Sept. 2017 - June 2020

Nantes Esport— Analyst
After some players left the team for the 1st time, I thought I’d like to try something different, but still in the competitive scene of Rainbow6.
I started tracking lots of statistics and watching our VODs literally all the time, we learnt some things but this is not a role I want to fit right now as I have no experience.

2x ELC Finals Major Division
3x ELC Playoffs Major Division
1x played FCL quals
Lots of T3 scrims (against 7AM, Red Falcons, Reply Totem, Outplayed, 1st Cav)
Countless T4 scrims & T4 community tournaments

I have been my previous team’s IGL & Captain for almost 2 years, which means I have a lot of confidence and shotcalling capabilities.

Competitive Mindset
I just want to win everything. This is a little frustrating some time, but I know I can do it, and I will do it.

Willing to learn
I spend a lot of time watching VODs and trying to understand my mistakes as well as the way my teammates play the game.

Open Minded
I believe that being able to take and give criticism is the best way to improve as a team, instead of keeping our little secrets just to disband a week later.


Played Basketball at a pre-national level for a year and a half

French - Native speaker
English - Almost fluent


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