Rainbow six siege


Elijah Fisher | 21 years old

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My ambitions is to always be the best teammate that I can be, I want to be able to predict my enemies movements and be at a level that makes the gap between me and an average player to be what the gap of a highschool athlete is to an olympian.

online experience

  • 1000+ hours in siege, I also play overwatch 2 but mainly enjoy siege with how straight forward and realistic it is compared to most games.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I have been playing this game for years and plan on playing it for further years to come. No matter what stage of life, no matter how “bad” it has gotten, no matter what future updates occur, I will always stand by this game and enjoy it. It is my go to game when I don’t know what to play, I am always trying to get better and as of lately, I have been thinking of putting myself out there so I can further my progress. Playing my friends is fun but they don’t have the same intent with this game as I do and I am really looking for players who feel the same way and want to further push themselves too.


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