Rainbow six siege


Jarrod | 21 years old

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I wanna make it to the stage. I wanna work hard with a team and see us succeed. This has been my all time dream since I started getting good at the game. All I need now is the team to make it happen.

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I’ve been playing Rainbow Six Siege since about Red Crow. I started out on Ps4 and switched to Xbox and then back and forth between the 2 for a while until I finally made the switch to PC not too long ago. I’ve been a diamond on both consoles for about the last 8-9 seasons now. I have great map and game knowledge. Callouts are immaculate. Need a team that is keen to try and fight our way to the top. My roles usually change up but depending on who I’m playing with but I’m a bit of a play whatever op we need kinda guy. I can make anything you want to work in games, you tell me what to do and I’ll do it.

Pick me fellas, I’ll make it with while.


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