League of Legends


Halil | 27 years old

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My ambitions is simple i love soccer and fitness.
Also love to climb i want to reach grand master or who knows Challenger one day i hope it.

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My name is Halil i'm from Belgium and i'm 26, wanna play with friends or duo if you want it :)

I peak Master elo in league of legends.

I wanna try to climb grand master for next season but we can already do some duo's :)

Also for the people who needs help for the game u can contact me i can help you also play with you and watch you're gameplay and improvement.

I started league of season 10 first moba game in one year i was so little but confused because i was litteraly new. After 1 year later i had a chance to know a person who play grandmaster and he helped me so much and i learn it.

First season i peak Silver 2, next season (11) i peak Gold 1.
This season i peak plat in split 1 in split 2 i peaked diamond and in last split 3 thank to my great duo friend we peaked master together it was funny because we carry as duo in 8/10 games :).

If somebody needs me u can just add me (iyzi - EUW).

See you soon soldier,
Kind regards


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