

Sander Houben | 18 years old

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My ambitions are quite clear. I want to become an official fortnite esporter and i would like to get to experience this because it has been a dream of me for a couple of years already.

online experience

  • great in teamwork
  • skillful
  • good at giving orders and taking orders

offline experience

  • Socially capable of keeping conversations alive
  • Friendly and understanding


I would like to join the team, because i think i will fit well in to this team. And also because of my skills in fortnite itself. Why do i think this? Because i play almost every day for several hours and i would like to participate into this world of gaming to experience this amazing world of gaming and beyond. Another thing i admire is the people who made it this far, it makes me want to achieve all this for myself and to step in their shoes. Also i would really appreciate it if i could get a chance to prove myself to the team that im a trsutworthy and professional player and i can work really well when playing in either duos , trios or squads. With that being said i really hope you guys give me a chance to make my dream come true.


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