

Matthew Evans | 26 years old

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I consider myself to be very ambitious. Some of my goals are to be at the top of the leaderboard, be on a highly competitive team, win tournaments, become a widely known streamer, be able to support my family, and do good things that will benefit others with my earnings.

online experience

  • Fortnite

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is matt I have been gaming since I was 7 years old. I'm turning 21 and I want to make gaming my career. I'm very motivated and I have big dreams for myself and my future team. I haven't started streaming yet but plan to join mixer or twitch soon. I think joining a team will help me get my initial following while also helping the team win tournaments and get their name out as well. I just started taking fortnite seriously and am averaging 7 kills per game and am getting atleast 2 wins in solos. I am perfecting my play and playing very aggressively. I know I will be at the top of the leaderboard someday soon. I feel as though I will be a great asset to any team who wants to recruit me because I work hard not just for myself but for the team as well. I want teammates who will also become a family and we will all grow our careers together.


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